14 August 2023  —  Acronis

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? and Why you need one?

Table of contents
What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
Why is 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) important?
What are the different types of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
Who should use 2FA?
What are the benefits of 2FA?
What type of accounts does 2FA work for?
Best Practices for Using 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)
The biggest challenges of implementing and maintaining 2FA
What is the Future of 2FA technology?
Recap of 2FA Technology in the modern world
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
for service providers

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a feature that requires a user to present two different types of identity evidence before being allowed to access an account. This is a pivotal approach to get better security for your accounts. This security method includes something the user knows and something they have access to. Two-factor authentication provides a second layer of protection for a user's online accounts, above and beyond the user's password. With 2FA, a user logs into the online account, but instead of getting immediate access, they must provide additional information, such as a personal identification number (PIN), a one-time verification code, answers to questions that only the user knows, and so on. In some cases, 2FA sends a text message to the user's mobile phone.

Why is 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) important?

Two-factor authentication is the most highly recommended defense to block an attacker from hijacking a user's account, and this can be lifesaving when dealing with this type of cyberattack. If a user's password is stolen, the thief will not be able to gain unauthorized access to the user's account because another verification method is required. If your phone is lost or stolen, no one can access the verification code without knowing your mobile phone's password to open the verification text or authenticator application. This sounds great, right? But how does two-factor authentication works? We will take a closer look at the whole process in this article. Keep reading and you will feel much safer in the future, guaranteed!

How does 2FA work?

In today's digital society, where our lives are intricately intertwined with the world, it is crucial to prioritize the protection of our data. The constant rise in cyber threats and data breaches has underscored the significance of implementing methods for user authentication that go beyond passwords and are stronger than them. Two-factor authentication (2FA), also known as multi-factor authentication (MFA), has emerged as a powerful shield to fortify our digital realms, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.

At its core, two-factor authentication follows a process that requires users to provide two different forms of verification before gaining access to their accounts. The first factor usually involves something the user knows, such as a password or PIN, which has long been the approach for securing accounts. However, relying on passwords can expose accounts to brute force attacks and password guessing techniques.

The second factor in two-factor authentication introduces an additional layer of security. This could be something the user possesses, such as a card or physical security token, or something inherent to the user themselves, like a biometric trait. Biometric authentication has gained popularity due to its nature and resistance to replication, because every person has his own unique biometrics that can be used to protect his own data at the best possible way.

Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint scans, facial recognition, and iris scans, ensures that authorized users can unlock the digital doors of the accounts only by the user with these biometrics. Isn't that great?

After entering their username and password (the first factor), the system prompts them for the second factor of authentication. This additional verification step could involve a one-time passcode (OTP) sent to the user's mobile device, which they must enter to proceed further. Alternatively, it could involve a fingerprint scan, where the system compares the scanned fingerprint with the biometric data on record.

The brilliance of two-factor authentication lies in its ability to counteract cyber threats even if a user's password is compromised. Even if hackers manage to obtain the password, they cannot access the account without some form of verification. This extra layer of security significantly reduces the risk of access and data breaches, of course that is priceless when securing your data.

Many industries and online platforms are using two-factor authentication to protect their users from potential security breaches and cyber criminals, because we all know how smart they are in their attempts to steal accounts. Banking institutions, social media platforms, email services, and e-commerce websites are just a few examples of entities that have adopted this robust authentication method. In fact, many services now make two-factor authentication mandatory for users due to its proven effectiveness against stolen credentials and overall security.

In summary, two-factor authentication serves as a protector of our identities and significantly strengthens user authentication beyond relying solely on passwords, because as per latest researches there are techniques used by AI cracking even the hardest passwords for less than an hour. It really sounds scary, right? By incorporating multi factor authentication with methods like traits and one time passcodes, this multi layered approach thwarts cyber threats and discourages unauthorized entry. Embracing the benefits of two factor authentication is not a passing trend but an essential step towards a digital future where we can confidently navigate the virtual world with peace of mind. So, let us unite in embracing this technological marvel, and together, we shall safeguard our digital realms like never before.

What are the different types of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

There are a few different types of two factor authentication, so let's have a closer look at them and dive deeper into these priceless features.

  1. 2FA via hardware – This is one of the oldest types of 2FA. It uses hardware tokens like a key fob, which produces a numeric code every 30 seconds, or it can be plugged into a computer. When a user tries to access their account, they enter the displayed 2FA verification code from the physical device into the application or account. This method of 2FA is easy to implement and does not require an internet connection. Since it uses a hardware token, it tends to be one of the most secure two factor authentication methods, although it can be expensive for a business to set up and maintain for every user. It is also easy for a user to lose or misplace the hardware device, that fact can position you in a hard situation.
  2. SMS 2FA – This method of verification asks the user to provide their phone number. When the user logs on later, they are asked to enter a verification code (usually six digits) that is texted to the user's phone. This method of verification is popular, as most individuals have SMS-capable phones, and the user does not need to install an app on their phone. However, a user requires cell reception to get the verification message, and if they lose their SIM card or phone, they can no longer access the verification message to authenticate. Most recently, a flaw in this method of authentication was discovered where SMS services could let hackers take over phone numbers in minutes by simply paying a company to reroute text messages, and this can be a real problem.
  3. 2FA via phone call – This method is like SMS 2FA, except the user receives a phone call to receive the verification code. This method of verification has the same pros and cons as the SMS 2FA verification method.
  4. 2FA via email – 2FA via email is quite common like two-factor authentication via SMS , where the user receives an email with a secret code or one-time password (OTP). In some cases, a user can click a unique link in the email to grant access to the account in lieu of a passcode. This method has the same pros as SMS 2FA and 2FA via phone call, except that an internet connection is required to receive the verification email. In addition, it is easy for the verification email to go to a user's spam folder, and, of course, if an attacker has access to your email accounts, they will have access to the online account as well.
  5. Authenticator app / TOTP 2FA – This method of verification requires the user to download an app, such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Salesforce Authenticator, or Authy, as examples. When the user logs into the online application from an unknown device, they are required to open the authenticator app installed on their mobile phone (or on the computer as well as with Authy). The authenticator app generates an OTP – typically six to eight digits – that refreshes every 30 seconds. Once the user enters this code into their online account, they have access. One of the pros here is that authenticator apps are easy to implement and use, where the user immediately receives a push notification with the auto-generated verification passcode and does not have to wait to receive an SMS or email. On the other side, anyone who has access to the user's phone or computer can compromise your account.
  6. 2FA via biometrics – This type of 2FA is an up-and-coming technology that utilizes a user's biometrics as the token – the user's fingerprint, retina, and facial or voice recognition. This method of verification is user friendly, considered the most secure type of 2FA, and does not require an internet connection. However, storing a user's biometric data can lead to privacy issues, and this method requires special cameras and scanners, but of course is the most secure available.
  7. Backup codes – Backup codes are an alternative method of verification if a user loses their mobile phone or cannot get codes via text, voice call, or an authenticator smartphone app. If the user doesn't have their security key, they can use these one-time codes to sign in. A user can generate a set of 10 codes whenever they want. After creating a new set, the old set automatically becomes inactive.
SMS 2FA - This method of verification asks the user to provide their phone number.

Who should use 2FA?

Protecting your identity is more crucial now than ever before. With the increasing number of cyber threats and the evolving cyber attacks and approaches for identity theft, it's clear that relying on passwords to authenticate users is no longer sufficient to ensure our online safety. That's where two-factor authentication (2FA) comes into play as an ally in the battle for account security and to control access. It has proven it's effectiveness and should be considered as a flagman in securing your personal information.

Who should use two-factor authentication? The answer is quite simple, everyone! Whether you're an individual accessing your accounts or a business person safeguarding data, integrating 2FA into your security measures should be considered a fundamental necessity, because there are countless threads waiting down the corner to strike in the right moment.

For individuals, 2FA provides a layer of protection for their user identities. It's an investment to make for the peace of mind that accompanies knowing their accounts are well guarded against access. Hackers and cybercriminals have grown increasingly skilled at cracking passwords, leaving us susceptible to breaches. By adopting two-factor authentication, individuals can ensure the security of their transactions, personal emails, and social media accounts.

For businesses, implementing two-factor authentication becomes even more critical. Organizations handle large amounts of data, including customer information and proprietary data. Failing to protect this information can have consequences both financially and in terms of the company's reputation, of course nobody wants to experience situation like this.

Two-factor authentication is a defense against access attempts, stopping potential cyberattacks right from the start. The great thing about 2FA is its versatility, because there are methods to choose from based on preferences and comfort levels. Some people prefer to receive push notifications on their trusted devices, which allows them to access their accounts after confirming their identity. Others opt for authenticator apps that generate passcodes or one-time codes, providing a layer of security beyond traditional passwords.

We can't overlook the evolving threat of identity theft. As cybercriminals become more advanced, identity theft has become an issue, causing financial and emotional distress for their victims. By using two-factor authentication, individuals can significantly decrease the risk of their accounts being compromised, making it harder for attackers to impersonate them and steal information compared to using just a traditional password, so if you want a reliable identity protection it is up to you to start using this priceless method of security.

What are the benefits of 2FA?

In today's evolving landscape of countless threads waiting to strike in the right moment, it has become more crucial than ever to protect your online presence from cyber threats that are growing in sophistication. Traditional security measures like passwords are no longer enough to safeguard data and online transactions. This is where two-factor authentication (2FA) along with solutions like Duo Security come into play as a game changer, offering a range of benefits that enhance your security on a whole new level.

Another one of the advantages of 2FA is its defense against phishing attacks. Phishing is a technique used by cybercriminals to trick users into revealing their login credentials on websites. With 2FA, even if an unsuspecting user falls prey to a phishing attempt and enters their password on such a site, the second layer of authentication acts as a barrier. Without having access to the user's device or the ability to approve authentication requests, the efforts of cybercriminals become insufficient.

Online transactions, which often involve information, are targets for malicious actors. By implementing 2FA, businesses can significantly enhance their security measures. Provide reassurance to customers that their data is well protected. This additional layer of authentication ensures that only legitimate users can access information and carry out transactions.

On the other hand, Duo Security, a provider of 2FA solutions, offers a user experience that bolsters security while maintaining convenience. By utilizing Duos authentication methods, users can easily verify their identity through channels like smartphones, tablets, or even landlines. This flexibility allows users to authenticate from anywhere and at any time, ensuring a user-centric 2FA process.

Moreover, Duo's real-time authentication request feature provides a layer of control upgrading your defense against any cyberattacks rapidly. Users receive push notifications whenever someone attempts to access their account. They can then approve the authentication request, enabling them to retain control over their security at all times. This transparency and control offer users peace of mind as they know that their accounts are continuously monitored and safeguarded against access.

Another notable advantage of 2FA is its compatibility with a range of applications and platforms. Duo Security seamlessly integrates with systems, enabling businesses to implement this security measure across their entire infrastructure. Whether it's services or on-premises applications, Duo's adaptable capabilities make it an excellent choice for organizations of any size or industry.

To conclude, the benefits of 2FA are indispensable in today's digital realm where we live, particularly when leveraging solutions like Duo Security that provide so many advantages. Ensuring the protection of data, securing transactions, and preventing phishing attacks are among the many benefits that come with implementing two-factor authentication. By embracing this security measure, you can provide your users with a sense of confidence as they authenticate their identities and information. Rest assured that their personal data will be shielded by a layer of security.

2FA Enhances your Cyber Security

Nowadays, it is crucial to protect our personal details, sensitive information, and financial transactions. This is where the concept of two-factor authentication plays a key role. It provides a defense against cyber threats and enhances overall cybersecurity.

At its core, 2FA is a security measure that requires users to provide two authentication factors before gaining access to their accounts. By incorporating authentication factors, 2FA significantly enhances the security of user accounts. Even if a cybercriminal manages to compromise the user's password, they would still need the authentication factor to gain unauthorized access. This additional layer of security makes it extremely challenging for cybercriminals to breach accounts and impersonate the user's identity.

The process of 2FA itself is seamless and user friendly. When users attempt to log in, they first enter their username and password. Next, they receive an authentication code. Prompt, on their registered device, which they must input or approve in order to gain access.

This simple and efficient procedure ensures that genuine users can easily access their accounts while keeping unauthorized individuals at bay.

Financial institutions in particular have acknowledged the value of two-factor authentication in safeguarding their customers accounts and transactions. By knowing that data is a target for cyberattacks, two-factor authentication serves as a critical security measure to defend against unauthorized access and fraudulent activities. Customers can feel confident knowing that their identities and financial information are well protected, reducing the risk of data breaches and financial losses.

Furthermore, many services now provide the option to use third party authenticator apps as a factor in 2FA. These apps generate time-based authentication codes that can be utilized across platforms, enhancing both convenience and security during the authentication process. Users appreciate the simplicity of using an app for their 2FA needs, further improving their cybersecurity experience.

In summary, 2FA is a tool that enhances your cybersecurity measures significantly. By requiring authentication factors, it adds a strong layer of protection to users accounts by preventing unauthorized access and identity theft. The authentication process is seamless and user friendly making it an ideal solution for individuals and businesses alike.

Financial organizations specifically have the opportunity to utilize the effectiveness of two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to secure their customers financial information and transactions. By embracing the capabilities of 2FA, you can strengthen your presence. Defend against the constantly changing landscape of cyber threats. Take control of your security by implementing two-factor authentication to safeguard what is most important, your users identities and sensitive data.

2FA Provides protection against password-based attacks.

Cybercriminals have become really good at cracking passwords using different methods, which puts our information and identity at risk of being stolen. Thankfully, there's a solution called two-factor authentication that offers protection against these password-related dangers.

The basic idea behind this method of authentication is that it adds a step to the password based login process, giving us an additional layer of security. Instead of relying solely on something the user knows (like a password), 2FA introduces a "possession factor." This means that users must possess a second form of verification, typically something on their device, to complete the authentication process.

One of the newest and most recent methods for ensuring security is through the use of software tokens. These tokens are stored on the user's device, generating a code that changes frequently. This additional layer of protection ensures that even if a hacker manages to obtain the user's password, they would still be unable to gain access without the software token.

Another aspect of 2FA is the "knowledge factor." This requires users to input a piece of information they know along with their password. This could be anything from answering a security question to entering a verification code received via SMS or email. By incorporating this knowledge factor, two-factor authentication adds yet another hurdle for attackers attempting to breach accounts.

Two-factor authentication is a user security measure that doesn't demand minimum system requirements. It can be easily used on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or computers to receive verification codes or utilize software tokens.

The adoption of 2FA brings multiple benefits, especially for those who manage various accounts. Using the same password across multiple accounts and platforms is a risky practice, as it means that a single breach can compromise all accounts. With 2FA in place, even if the user's password is compromised on one platform, the possession factor will still safeguard their other accounts.

The "Fast Identity Online" (FIDO) Alliance has played a significant role in promoting passwordless authentication. FIDO2, a set of standards introduced by the alliance, enables passwordless logins using biometric traits like fingerprints or facial recognition. This revolutionary approach eradicates the need for passwords altogether, offering a highly secure and convenient method of authentication.

Protection of Sensitive Personal and Business Information

The prevalence of cyber threats and data breaches has emphasized the need for robust security measures that go beyond traditional password protection. Two-factor authentication emerges as a powerful solution, providing an additional layer of defense against unauthorized access and ensuring the safety of our most valuable data.

Nowadays, cybercriminals use a variety of approaches to steal private, sensitive information or priceless business data. One of the most common and successful ways to do it is by using an authentication attempt on mobile devices and covering it as a legitimate message, email, or app. Where they are asking for your login credentials or urging you to take actions that will give them access to your accounts.

If you are unlucky enough to provide the requested information, they immediately gain access to your devices and use it to steal sensitive information, with the only meaning being to ask for ransomware. In these cases, it is crucial to use two-factor authentication methods because of the additional layer of protection. By doing so, you will have peace of mind knowing that your information is as secure as possible.

What type of accounts does 2FA work for?

Enabling this security feature can help protect your account from unauthorized access in case someone somehow obtains your login information.

While it's essential to enable 2FA for media accounts, it's even more crucial for any accounts that store financial information or your personal identification number details. Despite the slight inconvenience of a longer log-in process, security experts recommend enabling 2FA wherever possible and using it in your email accounts, password managers, social media applications, cloud storage services, and financial services accounts. So, don't forget about our recommendations the next time you create a new account or improve the security measures on an existing one.

Email Accounts

When we create email accounts, we often forget that this is the first account we should secure as strongly as possible. It is a well-known fact that in our email box, the information stored is for almost all of our accounts. That means if someone succeeds in breaking our security measures and gains access to our email, he will receive confidential information related to almost all of our accounts. So, the first step we have to take is to secure our email account in the best possible way.

Social Media Accounts

For instance, if you enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account, you will need to provide not only your login credentials, but also a verification code whenever you try to sign in from a new device. With 2FA enabled, Facebook automatically sends a text message to your device during the sign-in process. This message contains a verification code that you must enter to log into your account.

You have to remember that it is your responsibility to ensure the best possible protection for each of your accounts by using two-factor authentication methods wherever possible.

Online Banking

Here we are, the holy grail for cybercriminals. This is the main target for gaining access to someone's online banking and any financial information. The most delicious pie for them are these accounts, because there is no need to ask for ransom, once they already have access to your finances, they have the ability to empty your private bank account with the blink of an eye. So, if you don't want to wake up in the morning with empty online pockets, use all of the security features to protect your money.

Cloud Storage Services authentication methods

Another sweet bite for cybercriminals is your personal cloud space. For example, Apple employs methods to ensure the security of iCloud accounts, including SMS verification and their "Trusted Devices" approach. With the Trusted Devices method, a code is sent directly to a trusted user's device, appearing in a window on the screen. Google has a system that may prompt you to confirm signing in from another device linked to your account. Ensuring multi-layer protection for their users is clever enough, right?

Work and Business

Every business corporation, no matter how small or large, should have strong security if they want to maintain business continuity and a healthy business environment. The majority of cyber attackers target business organizations as potential victims.

With the only purpose of breaking their security, stealing the desired information, and then asking for ransomware. In scenarios like this, the victims have no other option but to pay the ransomware if they don't have a recovery plan or strategy to back up their data. In case you are using the best recovery software on the market, Acronis True Image, you can laugh at the cyber criminals and send them greetings because they will not receive a dollar, but on the other hand, you will receive your full backup and account recovery and continue your life as usual.

Crypto Wallets

Crypto wallets have become tools for managing digital assets like cryptocurrencies. As the value of these assets increases, so does the importance of security measures. Two-factor authentication has emerged as a defense layer for wallets.

By using 2FA, users are required to provide a verification step in addition to their password before accessing their wallet. This can be in the form of a one-time verification code sent to their device or generated by an authenticator app. Implementing 2FA significantly enhances the security of crypto wallet platforms, which are a main target nowadays for the cybercriminals.

This of course makes it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access to users funds. In today's evolving cyber threat landscape, 2FA continues to be a practice for safeguarding crypto assets and providing users with peace of mind about the security of their digital wealth. Whether users are trading, holding, or transacting cryptocurrencies, they can trust that their crypto wallets are protected against attacks with the added layer of security provided by 2FA.

Best Practices for Using 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)

Best practices for using two-factor authentication are essential to maximizing its effectiveness in enhancing cybersecurity. First and foremost, enabling 2FA on all accounts is crucial. Whether it's email, social media, or financial platforms, having two-factor authentication methods adds an extra layer of security to safeguard sensitive information.

Exploring various options like SMS-based codes, authenticator apps, biometric verification, or hardware tokens strengthens the security posture and makes it more challenging for potential attackers to compromise accounts. Keeping mobile devices secure is paramount, as many 2FA methods involve sending verification codes to smartphones. Using strong passcodes, enabling biometric authentication if available, and never leaving devices unattended help prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, preparing for offline access is vital, especially during travel or when the primary authentication method is unavailable.

Regularly reviewing app permissions and educating yourself on phishing and social engineering threats are equally essential. Striking a balance between security and user experience, along with staying informed about evolving cyber trends, completes the best practices for leveraging 2FA effectively in our increasingly digital and interconnected world.

The biggest challenges of implementing and maintaining 2FA

Integrating and upholding two-factor authentication (2FA) is a stride in fortifying cybersecurity and protecting data. Nonetheless, like any security measure, it presents hurdles. Below are some of the obstacles that organizations and individuals encounter while implementing and sustaining 2FA.

  1. User Adoption: One of the primary challenges of implementing 2FA is user adoption. Some users may find the additional authentication step inconvenient or confusing, leading to resistance to adopting this security measure. Proper user education and training are essential to overcoming this challenge and encouraging users to embrace 2FA.
  2. Technical Integration: Integrating this kind of security into existing systems can be complex, especially for organizations with a wide range of applications and platforms. Compatibility issues and technical requirements may pose challenges during the implementation phase. Proper planning and coordination with IT teams are necessary to overcome these hurdles.
  3. Backup and Recovery: Two-factor authentication relies on multiple factors, and losing access to one of them can lock users out of their accounts. Establishing robust backup and recovery mechanisms, such as providing backup codes or alternative authentication methods, is crucial to ensuring continuous access for users.
  4. Cost and Resources: Implementing and maintaining 2FA may require financial investment and the allocation of resources. Hardware tokens, authentication apps, and employee training can add to the overall cost. Organizations need to balance the benefits of enhanced security with the associated expenses.
  5. Mobile Device Management: Many 2FA methods involve sending verification codes to mobile devices. Managing a fleet of company-issued or personal devices and ensuring their security can be challenging, especially for organizations with a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy.
  6. Phishing and Social Engineering: While this kind of authentication provides an extra layer of security, it is not entirely immune to phishing attacks and social engineering. Cybercriminals may attempt to trick users into revealing their verification codes through deceptive tactics. User awareness and education are critical to combating these threats.
  7. User Experience: Striking a balance between security and user experience is essential. Overly complex 2FA processes or frequent authentication requests can frustrate users and lead to workarounds that compromise security. Streamlining the authentication experience without compromising security is a continuous challenge.

What is the Future of 2FA technology?

The future of two-factor authentication technology shows potential, as the field of cybersecurity continues to evolve. With the increasing complexity of cyber threats, it has become essential to have measures for verifying identities. One notable trend is the growing adoption of biometric authentication methods. Advancements in technology, such as face or finger recognition, iris scanning, and voice authentication will provide more secure and convenient ways to confirm identities.

Moreover, there is a rising interest in passwordless authentication, where traditional passwords are replaced by alternatives like keys or biometrics. This does not eliminate the risks associated with password-related attacks. Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers are expected to play a role in 2FA by offering seamless authentication through their biometric sensors. The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) devices also opens up possibilities for implementing 2FA, allowing connected devices to interact safely.

Additionally, advancements in intelligence and machine learning will enable sophisticated behavioral analysis techniques that create dynamic and adaptive authentication processes. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, blockchain-based 2FA solutions are likely to gain popularity due to their decentralized nature and resistance against tampering.

In general, the outlook for two-factor authentication technology appears promising. We can expect to witness the emergence of user-friendly authentication methods in the near future. These innovations will play a role in safeguarding our identities and sensitive information, especially as cyber threats continue to evolve.

Recap of 2FA Technology in the modern world

By implementing a two-step verification process, this type of security offers a layer of protection that goes beyond the use of passwords. The widespread adoption of 2FA has played a role in minimizing the risks posed by cyber threats like phishing attacks and password breaches. It serves as a shield against access attempts. The emergence of technologies, such as fingerprint and facial recognition has not only made multi-factor authentication more convenient and user-friendly, but has also enhanced its security features.

Moreover, the continuous advancements in passwordless authentication methods, wearable devices, and blockchain-based solutions have expanded the scope of 2FA, ensuring security measures against constantly evolving cyber threats. As technology continues to progress and innovative authentication techniques are integrated further, this type of security remains an element in safeguarding our presence in the digital realm we currently live.

Additional references:

Hoxhunt. 5 ways attackers can bypass two-factor authentication

Security Blvd. (2021) How Social Engineering Tactics Can Crack Multi-Factor Authentication

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.