Changing a license

By changing the license, you switch to a different version or edition of the product. The following table summarizes the available options.

Switching a license

Why you may need it

trial > full

Upgrade from trial to full product version

trial > trial different edition*

Define the edition that better fits your needs

trial > full different edition*

The edition you bought differs from the edition of the trial version

full > full different edition*

  • You used a server edition license for a workstation. Now you want to assign the workstation a workstation license. After that, you can revoke the server one and use it for a server.
  • A machine has an advanced server edition license that allows you to back up 4 virtual machines. To back up more virtual machines, you need to assign the machine a virtual edition license.

backing up to the online storage** > trial or full

After backing up to Acronis Online Backup Storage only, you decided to try or buy an edition with more functionalities

trial > backing up to the online storage**

After trying the product, you decided to back up to Acronis Online Backup Storage only

*Switching between advanced and stand-alone editions is not possible.

**Online backup is not available for machines running Linux. Some types of data (such as Exchange databases) cannot be backed up to the online storage. Prior to backing up to the online storage, you need to activate a subscription for the online backup service on the machine(s) you want to back up. For more information refer to the "Online backup" section.

You can also enable Acronis Deduplication and Acronis Universal Restore by using additional licenses, if these are available for the version and edition you are switching to.

In this section

Changing a license in advanced editions

Changing a license in stand-alone editions