
A vault is a location for storing backup archives. For ease of use and administration, a vault is associated with the archives' metadata. Referring to this metadata makes for fast and convenient operations with archives and backups stored in the vault.

A vault can be organized on a local or networked drive, detachable media or a tape device.

There are no settings for limiting a vault size or number of backups in a vault. You can limit the size of each archive using cleanup. However, the total size of archives stored in the vault is limited by the storage size only.

Why create vaults?

Centralized and personal vaults

A centralized vault is a networked location allotted by the management server administrator to serve as storage for the backup archives. A centralized vault can be managed by a storage node (managed vault) or be unmanaged. For more information, see the Centralized vaults section.

A vault is called personal if it was created using direct connection of the console to a managed machine. Personal vaults are specific for each managed machine.

'Vaults' view

Vaults (on the navigation pane) - top item of the vaults tree. Click this item to display centralized and personal vaults. To perform actions on any vault, use the toolbar that is located at the top of the Vaults view. For centralized vaults, see the Actions on centralized vaults section. For personal vaults, see the Actions on personal vaults section.

Click any vault in the vaults tree to open the detailed view of this vault and to take actions on archives and backups stored in there.

In this section

Working with vaults

Centralized vaults

Personal vaults

Changing the default cache folder for catalog files