Virtual machine type / virtualization server selection

Select the resulting virtual machine type or the virtualization server where the machine will be created.

The available options depend on the agent(s) installed on the machine the console is connected to. If the console is connected to the management server, you can choose any registered machine that is able to perform the required operation.

To select the virtualization server where the new virtual machine will be created

  1. Choose the Create a new virtual machine on the server option.
  2. In the left part of the window, select the virtualization server. Use the right part of the window to review details on the selected server.

    [Only if the console is connected to the management server] If multiple agents manage the selected ESX(i) host, you can choose the agent that will perform recovery. For better performance, choose an Agent for ESX(i) (Virtual Appliance) located on that ESX(i). If no agent manages the ESX(i) and automatic deployment is turned on, Agent for ESX(i) (Virtual Appliance) will be deployed immediately after you click OK. Recovery will be performed by that agent. It will take a license.

  3. Click OK to return to the Recover data page.

To select the virtual machine type

  1. Choose the Save the virtual machine as a set of files option.
  2. In the left part of the window, select the virtual machine type. Use the right part of the window to review details on the selected virtual machine type.

    [Only if the console is connected to the management server] You can select the machine that will perform recovery. This can be any registered machine where Agent for Windows or Agent for Linux is installed.

  3. Click OK to return to the Recover data page.