Backup plan statuses

A backup plan can have one of the following statuses: Error; Warning; OK.

A backup plan status is derived from the results of the last run of the plans' tasks/activities.



How it is determined

How to handle



At least one task has failed.

Otherwise, see 2

Identify the failed tasks -> Check the tasks log to find out the reason of the failure, then do one or more of the following:

  • Remove the reason of the failure -> [optionally] Start the failed task manually
  • Edit the local plan to prevent its future failure if a local plan has failed
  • Edit the centralized backup plan on the management server if a centralized plan has failed



At least one task has succeeded with warnings.

Otherwise, see 3.

View the log to read the warnings -> [optionally] Perform actions to prevent the future warnings or failure.



All the tasks are completed successfully.

No action is required. Note that a backup plan can be OK if none of the tasks has been started yet.