Linux packages

To add the Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 modules to the Linux kernel, the setup program needs the following Linux packages:

The names of these packages vary depending on your Linux distribution.

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, the packages normally will be installed by the setup program. In other distributions, you need to install the packages if they are not installed or do not have the required versions.

Are the required packages already installed?

To check whether the packages are already installed, perform these steps:

  1. Run the following command to find out the kernel version and the required GCC version:

    cat /proc/version

    This command returns lines similar to the following: Linux version and gcc version 4.5.1

  2. Run the following command to check whether the Make tool and the GCC compiler are installed:

    make -v
    gcc -v

    For gcc, ensure that the version returned by the command is the same as in the gcc version in step 1. For make, just ensure that the command runs.

  3. Check whether the appropriate version of the packages for building kernel modules is installed:

    In either case, ensure that the package versions are the same as in Linux version in step 1.

Installing the packages from the repository

The following table lists how to install the required packages in various Linux distributions.

Linux distribution

Package names

How to install

Red Hat Enterprise Linux


The setup program will download and install the packages automatically by using your Red Hat subscription.



The setup program will download and install the packages automatically.



Run the following commands as the root user (specify the required GCC version in the GCC package name):

yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`
yum install gcc-4.5.1
yum install make



Run the following commands (specify the required GCC version in the GCC package name):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
sudo apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r`
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.6
sudo apt-get install make

The packages will be downloaded from the distribution's repository and installed.

For other Linux distributions, please refer to the distribution's documentation regarding the exact names of the required packages and the ways to install them.

Installing the packages manually

You may need to install the packages manually if:

Obtain the packages from your local network or a trusted third-party Web site, and install them as follows:

Example: Installing the packages manually in Fedora 14

Follow these steps to install the required packages in Fedora 14 on a 32-bit machine:

  1. Run the following command to determine the kernel version and the required GCC version:

    cat /proc/version

    The output of this command includes the following:

    Linux version
    gcc version 4.5.1

  2. Obtain the kernel-devel and gcc packages that correspond to this kernel version:


  3. Obtain the make package for Fedora 14:


  4. Install the packages by running the following commands as the root user:

    rpm -ivh kernel-devel-
    rpm -ivh gcc-4.5.1.fc14.i686.rpm
    rpm -ivh make-3.82-3.fc14.i686

    You can specify all these packages in a single rpm command. Installing any of these packages may require installing additional packages to resolve dependencies.