
  1. Connect the console to the management server.
  2. Click Create backup plan.
  3. Under What to back up:
    1. Click Show access credentials, exclusions. In the Access credentials, specify the credentials required to access the source data.

      Details. To access the Exchange cluster data, a domain user account that has administrative privileges on each of the cluster nodes is required.

      When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to also specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain).

    2. Click Items to back up. In data to back up, select Exchange information store. In the catalog tree, select the Exchange cluster. In the data tree, expand the cluster and select the Exchange information store check box under the cluster's name. The cluster databases or storage groups are displayed as single instances regardless of the number of copies they have within the cluster.
  4. Under Where to back up, select the deduplicating vault created previously.
  5. Under How to back up:
    1. In Backup scheme, choose Continuous Data Protection (CDP).
    2. In Schedule, select Daily and set up the schedule as follows: Every: 1 day(s), Once at: 11:59:00 PM.
    3. In Cluster backup mode, choose Passive (replica) and select to Back up active if none of the passive copies are available.

      Note: To back up transaction log files, disable circular logging for all databases or storage groups in Exchange. Otherwise, the backup task will fail.

    4. Click Show backup type, 2nd location, validation to access the Backup type setting.
    5. In Backup type, select Create full backups using the Express full backup method.
  6. If required, set up the rest of the backup plan settings.
  7. Click OK to create the backup plan.

    Details. You will see the Backup plans and tasks view with the backup plan you have just created. In this view, you can check the backup plan's status, monitor its execution state, run or stop the plan, and more.