Copy-only backup

The copy-only backup method allows creating full database backups without truncating the transaction log files. This way, full backups are created without interrupting other continuous backup plans. The copy-only backups can be easily stored off-site for testing, analysis or other purposes.

The copy-only backups can be created with the Manual start backup scheme only.

Usage example. Obtaining a full backup of the Exchange database without disturbing continuous backup plans

Case: The Exchange database in the organization is currently protected by the backup plan that uses the CDP scheme. The administrator was asked to provide an up-to-date backup of the database for analysis purposes.

Solution: If the administrator sets up a backup plan that only creates a regular full backup, it will truncate the transaction log files and interrupt the backup chain of the existing CDP backup scheme. To avoid such interferences, the administrator creates a backup plan with the following settings:

  1. Under What to back up, select the required database or storage group.
  2. Under Where to back up, select the backup destination.
  3. Under How to back up:
    1. In Backup scheme, select Manual start.
    2. Click Show backup type, 2nd location, validation to access the Backup type setting.
    3. In Backup type, select Full and then select the Copy-only backup check box.
  4. Leave the rest of the backup plan settings "as is" and click OK to create the backup plan.
  5. You will see the Backup plans and tasks view with the backup plan you have just created. Select this backup plan and click Run.