Backing up the Exchange cluster data

Normally, clustered data is backed up by creating a backup plan on the management server (centralized backup plan). However, if you need to back up a specific data that is hosted entirely on a single cluster node, you can connect to this node directly and create a regular (local) backup plan. The drawback of this approach is that the backup task will fail if the data migrates to another cluster node or if the node becomes unavailable.

To configure backup of Exchange cluster data

  1. Prerequisites:
    1. Install Agent for Exchange on each node of the Exchange cluster.
    2. Register all of the agents on the management server, either during installation or later.
  2. Connect the console to the management server.
  3. Click Create backup plan.
  4. Under What to back up:
    1. Click Show access credentials, exclusions. In the Access credentials, specify the credentials required to access the source data.

      Details. To access the Exchange cluster data, a domain user account that has administrative privileges on each of the cluster nodes is required.

      When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to also specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain).

    2. Click Items to back up.

      In Data to back up, select one of the following:

      • Microsoft Exchange information store to back up Exchange databases or storage groups
      • Microsoft Exchange mailboxes to back up individual mailboxes.

      In the catalog tree below Data to back up, select the Exchange cluster and specify data items to back up. The cluster databases or storage groups are displayed as single instances regardless of the number of copies they have within the cluster.

  5. Under Where to back up, select the backup destination. The backups can be saved to any type of storage supported by Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5, except for Acronis Online Backup Storage, Acronis Secure Zone and removable media.

    Naming the archive. Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 generates a common name for the new archive and displays it in the Name field. The name looks like [Application Instance Name]_Archive(N), where the [Application Instance Name] variable is a substitution for the Exchange server's or cluster's name, and N is a sequence number. If you are not satisfied with the automatically generated name, you can construct another name. Note that the use of the [Application Instance Name] variable at the beginning of the name is mandatory.

  6. Under How to back up in the Backup scheme, select the required scheme and specify its settings as described in the "Backup schemes" section.
  7. In the Cluster backup mode select one of the following:
  8. Under Plan parameters, click Plan's credentials and specify the user account under which the plan will run.

    When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to also specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain).

  9. For information about specifying the rest of backup plan settings (replication, retention, and validation of backups), refer to the product help system or guides for Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 Advanced Editions.
  10. Click OK to create the backup plan.