Peculiarities of backing up to tapes

Backup options

You can configure the Tape management backup options to determine:

Backup schemes

Simple scheme

When you use the Simple backup scheme, only full backups can be created on tapes. This is because backups located on tapes cannot be consolidated. If you had the option of creating incremental backups, you would not be able to delete any of the backups.

Grandfather-Father-Son and Tower of Hanoi schemes

By default, the Grandfather-Father-Son and Tower of Hanoi backup schemes create only full backups on tapes. This helps the software to delete each backup on time as defined by the backup scheme.

You may want to change the default setting to creating full, incremental and differential backups. For example, if you have a few tapes but your full backups are quite large, you may want to save space on tapes.

Each level of the above schemes uses a separate tape set within the same tape pool. This means that the software can only take a tape belonging to a certain tape set or a free tape (when space is running out on the currently used tape). This helps minimize the quantity of used tapes, because tapes with incremental and differential backups are filled and rewritten more often than tapes with full backups.

Custom scheme

Set up the custom scheme so that it creates full backups with a reasonable frequency. Otherwise, if you specify retention rules, the software will not be able to overwrite tapes as appropriate.

In the retention rules of the Custom backup scheme, the If a backup to be moved or deleted has dependencies: Consolidate these backups option is disabled. Only the Retain the backup until all dependent backups become subject to deletion option is available. This is because backups located on tapes cannot be consolidated.