Specifying the license keys

When installing components that require licenses, you need to provide license keys or choose installation without license keys.

You can provide trial license keys, full license keys, or their combination.

About installation without license keys

This option is available only for machines running Windows. An agent installed without a license key can back up only to Acronis Online Backup Storage.

Prior to backing up to the online storage, you need to buy a subscription to the online backup service and activate the subscription on the machine(s) you want to back up. Please do not try to import the subscription keys to Acronis License Server or type them in the installation wizard windows.

Selecting whether to use licenses

Select one of the following:

After you click Next, the software automatically assigns the available licenses to the components.

Viewing and changing the assignment of licenses

The Licensing window shows how many licenses are required and the number of deficient licenses.

To add one or more licenses, click Add license. You will be able to type the license keys or import them from a text file.

To view or change the assignment of licenses, click View license mapping. In the License Mapping window, you can set up which component will use which license, as follows:

  1. Click a machine in the Machines list.
  2. Under Components, examine which components on the machine require licenses.
  3. Under Used Licenses, assign or reassign the licenses for these components by selecting or clearing the corresponding check boxes.