Specifying the list of machines

When adding multiple machines to the management server or when performing remote installation, you need to specify the list of machines.

Adding machines

Use one or more of the following options to add machines to the list:

By IP/name

Type a machine name or IP address and specify the credentials of an account with administrative privileges on it.

From network

Specify machines by browsing the network. You can select individual machines, as well as entire workgroups or domains.

From Active Directory

Specify machines by browsing an Active Directory domain.

This option is available only if the machine with the management console is a member of that domain.

From file

Import the list of the machines from a .txt or .csv file. The file should contain machine names or IP addresses and they should be one machine per line.



From RHEV environment

Specify machines by connecting to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. Provide the credentials of the account with the access rights on the RHEV Manager. Be sure to also specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain).

From the list of RHEV machines, select the machines you want to add.

By application

Specify machines on which certain applications are installed. Use the Servers and clusters found filter to show the machines that have an application you need to back up.

This option is available only when adding machines to the management server. The management server must be a member of a domain, and you can only select machines from that domain.

Specifying credentials

For each of the machines, specify the credentials of an account with administrative privileges on that machine. Or you can specify a universal account that has administrative privileges on all of the machines. Enter the account credentials for one machine and click Apply to all machines.

Note. For a machine which is a domain controller in an Active Directory domain, you must specify the name of that domain together with the user name. For example: MyDomain\Administrator

Detecting agents

Once you specify the machines to add to the management server, Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 detects the machines on which agents are not yet installed. We recommend that you wait until the detection is complete.

To cancel the detection, click Cancel status detection. In this case, agents will be installed only on the machines where the detection was completed. Of the machines where the detection was canceled, only the machines with an agent already installed will be added to the management server.