
Management console

You need the management console installed on a machine running Windows.

Installation packages

Components are installed from installation packages. By default, the software takes these packages from the folder %CommonProgramFiles%\Acronis\RemoteInstaller\<product build number>. If the console is connected to the management server, the software will take the packages from the machine with the management server. Otherwise, the software will take the packages from the machine with the console.

If the installation packages are not present in this folder (or in another folder that you will be able to specify during the installation), get them as follows.

How to get packages for Windows

  1. Start the Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 setup program on the machine from which the packages are to be taken by the software.
  2. Click Install Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.
  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. Select the Components for Remote Installation check box and click Next.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.

How to get packages for Linux

Download the required installation files (.i686 or .x86_64) from the Acronis Web site and put them on the machine from which they are to be taken by the software.

If you are planning to install Acronis components on both Windows and Linux machines, put the packages for Linux into the directory where the packages for Windows are. This will help you configure installation of Acronis components on Windows and Linux machines at the same time.