Disaster recovery plan (DRP)

This option is effective for Windows and Linux but is not applicable to bootable media.

Disaster recovery plan (DRP) contains a list of backed up data items and detailed instructions that guide a user through a process of recovering these items from a backup.

If the Disaster recovery plan (DRP) option is enabled, a DRP is created and sent by e-mail to the specified list of users after the first successful backup performed by the backup plan. The DRP will be created and sent again after the first successful backup in the following cases:

If multiple machines are protected by a backup plan, then a separate DRP is sent for each machine.

DRP and post-backup commands

Note that the DRP will not automatically change if post-backup commands in your backup plan copy or move the backups from the original location. The DRP points only to the locations specified in the backup plan.

Adding information to a DRP template

You can append additional information to a DRP template if you are well familiar with XML and HTML. The default paths to the DRP template are:

To set up sending DRPs:

  1. Select the Send disaster recovery plan check box.
  2. Enter the e-mail address in the E-mail Address field. You can enter several e-mail addresses in a semicolon-delimited format.
  3. [Optional] Change the default value of the Subject field, if necessary.

    If you back up multiple machines with one centralized backup plan and want each machine user to receive a separate DRP e-mail about his/her machine only:

    1. Use the %MachineName% variable to show the name of the certain machine in the e-mail subject.
    2. Set up your mail server or client to filter or forward e-mails using the Subject field.
  4. Enter the parameters of access to the SMTP server. For more detailed information, see E-mail notifications.
  5. [Optional] Click Send test e-mail message to check if the settings are correct.