Selecting target disks

Available disk or volume destinations depend on the agents operating on the machine.

Recover to:

Physical machine

New virtual machine

Existing virtual machine


Map automatically

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 attempts to map the selected disks to the target disks as described in the "How the automatic mapping works" section. If you are unsatisfied with the mapping result, you can re-map disks manually. To do this, you have to unmap the disks in a reverse order; that is, the last mapped disk should be unmapped first. Then, map the disks manually as described below.

Disk #:

Disk # (MODEL)

Select the destination disk for each of the source disks.

NT signature

Select the way the recovered disk's signature will be handled. The disk signature is used by Windows and the Linux kernel version 2.6 and later.