
The information about the contents of tapes is stored in a dedicated database. The rescanning operation reads the contents of tapes and updates the database if the information in it mismatches the data stored on tapes. The archives detected as a result of the operation are placed in the specified vault.

Within one operation, you can rescan tapes of one pool. Only online tapes can be selected for the operation.

Run the rescanning:

To rescan tapes:

  1. If you have no tape-based vault associated with the device you loaded the tapes to, create one.
  2. In the Navigation tree, click Tape management. If connected to the management server, select the storage node to which your tape device is attached.
  3. Perform the fast inventorying.

    During the inventorying, do not select the Move newly detected tapes from the 'Unrecognized tapes' or 'Imported tapes' pools to the 'Free tapes' pool check box.

  4. Click Rescan.
  5. Select the vault where the newly detected archives will be placed.
  6. Select the Unrecognized tapes pool. This is the pool to which most of the tapes are sent as a result of the fast inventorying. Rescanning the pool associated with the selected vault or the Imported tapes pool is also possible.
  7. Select the tapes to be rescanned. To select all the tapes of the pool, select the check box next to the Tape name column header.
  8. If necessary, clear the Enable file recovery from disk backups stored on tapes check box.

    Details. If the check box is selected, the software will create special supplementary files on a hard disk of the machine where the tape device is attached. File recovery from disk backups is possible as long as these supplementary files are intact.

  9. If the tapes contain a password-protected archive, select the corresponding check box, and then specify the password for the archive in the Password box. If you do not specify a password, or the password is incorrect, the archive will not be detected. Please keep this in mind in case you see no archives after the rescanning.

    Tip. If the tapes contain several archives protected by various passwords, you need to repeat the rescanning several times specifying each password in turn.

  10. Click Start to start the rescanning.

Result. The selected tapes are moved to the pool associated with the selected vault. The backups stored on the tapes can be found in this vault. A backup spread over several tapes will not appear in the vault until all of these tapes are rescanned.