

The size of Acronis Secure Zone. If no measurement unit is specified, the size is measured in megabytes (mb).

The parameter is used with the create asz command.

If not specified, the size is set as the average between the maximal (unallocated space plus free space on the volumes selected with the --volume parameter) and minimal (about 50 MB) values.

Either way, the software will first use the unallocated space. If there is not enough unallocated space, the selected volumes will be decreased. Resizing of locked volumes requires a reboot, which is allowed only if the --reboot parameter is specified.

With the unallocated value, the zone will use all unallocated space on the disk. Volumes will be moved, if necessary, but will not be resized. Moving of locked volumes requires a reboot. The --volume parameter is ignored.