Location's host is available

Applies to: Windows, Linux

"Location's host is available" means that the machine hosting the destination for storing archives on a networked drive is available.


Backing up data to the networked location is performed on workdays at 9:00 PM. If the location's host is not available at that moment (for instance, due to maintenance work), skip the backup and wait for the next workday to start the task. It is assumed that the backup task should not be started at all rather than failed.

As a result,

(1) If 9:00 PM comes and the location's host is available, the backup task starts right on time.

(2) If 9:00 PM comes but the host is unavailable at the moment, the backup task will start on the next workday if the location's host is available.

(3) If the location's host will never be available on workdays at 9:00 PM, the task never starts.