Setting up retention of backups

You can set retention rules for backups when creating a backup plan. The available retention rules depend on the chosen backup scheme.

Applying retention rules can be restricted by the Replication/cleanup inactivity time option.

Simple scheme

Each backup is retained until its age exceeds a limit you specify. Then, it is either deleted or moved.

To set up deleting the backups:

To set up moving the backups:

The retention rules are applied after creating a backup. For the second and next locations, creating a backup means copying or moving a backup there from the previous location.

Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) scheme

Backups of each type (daily, weekly, and monthly) are retained for the periods you specify in Keep backups, and then deleted.

The retention rules are applied after creating a backup. They are applied sequentially in the primary, the second and all next locations.

Tower of Hanoi scheme

Each backup is retained based on its level, and then deleted. You specify the number of levels in Number of levels.

The retention rules are applied after creating a backup. They are applied sequentially in the primary, the second and all next locations.

Custom scheme

Each backup is retained until the rules you specify are met. Then, it is either deleted or moved.

To set up deleting the backups:

To set up moving the backups:

You can choose to apply the retention rules before creating a backup, after creating a backup, on a schedule, or combine these options. For the second and next locations, creating a backup means copying or moving a backup there from the previous location.