Selecting logical volumes and MD devices for backup

Let's assume that the system has four physical disks: Disk 1, Disk 2, Disk 3 and Disk 4.

A list of volumes can be obtained by using the following command:

acrocmd list disks
Num              Partition    Flags     Start       Size        Type      GUID
-----------      -----------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  -----------
Disk 1                                              16,384 MB   PS_MBR
1-1              sda1         Pri,Act   0.031 MB    203.9 MB    Ext 2
1-2              sda2         Pri       204 MB      12,002 MB   Reiser
1-3              sda3         Pri       12,206 MB   1,028 MB    Linux swap
Unallocated-1-1  Unallocated            13,233 MB   3,151 MB
Disk 2                                              8,192 MB    PS_MBR
Unallocated-2-1  Unallocated            4,110 MB    4,082 MB
Disk 3                                              1,024 MB    PS_NONE
Unallocated-3-1  Unallocated            0 MB        1,024 MB
Disk 4                                              8,192 MB    PS_MBR
Unallocated-4-1  Unallocated            4,110 MB    4,082 MB
Dynamic volumes:
1 Dyn1           MyVG-MyLV              0 MB        4,096 MB    Ext 3     A5C349F8...
1 Dyn2           md0                    0 MB        2,055 MB    Ext 2     FFF5E076...

The logical volume, DYN1, occupies basic volumes 2-2 and 4-2 (which are not shown by the above command). The RAID-1 volume, DYN2, occupies basic volumes 2-1 and 4-1 (which are not shown by the above command either).

To back up the logical DYN1 volume, run the following command (here, the name of the backup is assumed to be my_archive and its location to be /home/user):

acrocmd backup disk --volume=DYN1 --loc=/home/user --arc=my_archive

To back up the RAID-1 volume DYN2, run the following command:

acrocmd backup disk --volume=DYN2 --loc=/home/user --arc=my_archive

To back up all three hard disks with volumes, select the volumes 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, DYN1 and DYN2:

acrocmd backup disk --volume=1-1,1-2,1-3,DYN1,DYN2 --loc=/home/user --arc=my_archive

If you select Disk 3 or volumes 2-1, 2-2, 4-1 or 4-2, the program will create a raw (sector-by-sector) backup.