29 August 2024

Distributed vs. centralized management of cyber protection for multilocation businesses

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Distributed vs. centralized management of cyber protection for multilocation businesses

How distributed management of cybersecurity and data protection can make your business more cyber resilient

Centralized management of cybersecurity and data protection doesn’t work for every type of business. Some companies can function more safely and efficiently if they distribute management of cybersecurity and IT resources across multiple locations. This white paper explores the benefits of distributed management of cybersecurity and data protection, and why some businesses should adopt a multilocation model.

Read the white paper to learn:

  • Which types of businesses are most likely to benefit from a distributed cybersecurity model.
  • How a distributed strategy addresses the challenges that some businesses face with centralized management.
  • Why centralized management can make regulatory compliance difficult for some companies.
  • How Acronis Cyber Protect enables distributed businesses to operate efficiently and protect system uptime and data integrity against incidents ranging from cyberthreats to hardware failures, software flaws and human errors.

Get up to speed on the advantages of distributed cybersecurity and data protection environments and learn whether one might work for your business. Download this white paper today.