20 de julio de 2008
Publicación de prensa

Acronis Offers Free Download of e-Book: "Business Continuity with Microsoft Windows Server 2008"

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Singapore, July 20, 2008 - Acronis®, Inc. (http://www.acronis.com.sg), a provider of affordable, scalable storage management and disaster recovery software, today announced that an e-book entitled Business Continuity with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 can be downloaded for free from here.

Authored by Danielle and Nelson Ruest, the e-book is excerpted from Microsoft Windows Server 2008: The Complete Reference, published by McGraw-Hill. It provides business owners with a comprehensive overview of backup, recovery and business continuity best practices on the new version of Microsoft Server, helps IT administrators work with Windows Server 2008 design and deploys practical disaster recovery and business continuity strategies. An appendix included with the e-book outlines how to further protect systems using Acronis technology.

The e-book and the Acronis appendix, available as a PDF file, combine to provide a wealth of knowledge on business continuity, disaster recovery and systems management.

"You will be ready to meet the challenges of disaster recovery so that your operations can continue," said the Ruests, both Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) working for Resolutions Enterprises, a consulting firm based in Victoria, BC, Canada, focused on IT infrastructure design. "In addition, you will be taking advantage of the most advanced IT strategies to build a secure and highly available network services infrastructure."

"Disasters happen; technology fails, so IT departments need to be ready for every potential interruption," said Edward Lim, General Manager of Acronis Asia. "Disaster recovery is more than simply backing up data; it's about building a fail-safe plan for your entire network so that any system can be restored to a known, working condition quickly and efficiently without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. If you are working with Windows Server 2008, this e-book should be in your library."

About Acronis® True Image Echo™

With Acronis True Image Echo, users can create an exact duplicate image of the live disk drives on servers or workstations, including the operating system, all configuration files, programs, updates, databases and data. The image can be saved to internal or external disk drives (including USB 2.0 and FireWire), networked drives (NAS, SAN), RAID controllers, writable CD or DVD, SCSI tape drives, or even FTP servers. The ability to create transportable images that can be restored universally to dissimilar hardware is also possible through Acronis Universal Restore™. The image can be used for any number of purposes, including disaster recovery, data backup, disk cloning, and migration to and from virtual machine environments.

As a certified Microsoft partner, all Acronis products support the Windows Server 2008 infrastructure, including Acronis Snap DeployTM 3.0 launched this month. It enables IT managers to configure multiple computers simultaneously. Acronis Snap DeployTM 3.0 can be downloaded from http://www.acronis.com.sg/enterprise/download/snapdeploy/.

Acerca de Acronis:

Acronis es una empresa global de ciberprotección que ofrece ciberseguridad, protección de datos y gestión de endpoints integrados de forma nativa para proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP), pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) y departamentos de TI empresariales. Las soluciones de Acronis son muy eficaces y están diseñadas para identificar, prevenir, detectar, responder, remediar y recuperarse de las ciberamenazas modernas con un tiempo de inactividad mínimo, garantizando la integridad de los datos y la continuidad de la actividad empresarial. Acronis ofrece la solución de seguridad más completa del mercado para MSP, con su capacidad exclusiva para satisfacer las necesidades de entornos de TI diversos y distribuidos.

Acronis es una empresa suiza fundada en Singapur en 2003, con 15 oficinas en todo el mundo y empleados en más de 50 países. Acronis Cyber Protect está disponible en 26 idiomas en 150 países y es utilizado por más de 20.000 proveedores de servicios para proteger a más de 750,000 empresas. Obtenga más información en www.acronis.com.
Contactos de Medios:
Katya Turtseva
Vicepresidenta de Comunicaciones